Let time not be wasted on the hating of pleasures!

This blog was made to host the television reviews and share the thoughts of regular viewers. It includes the reviewer's episode rating and his or her favorite line(s). The point is to break the monopoly of the professional snobs and bureaucrats on serious commentary and take intelligent public opinion out of the oafish chat rooms. If you want to contribute as a guest blogger, please include your email address in a comment and I will invite you to be an author for the blog. The more the merrier.

Monday, December 9, 2013

A Deviation of Course

This blog is devoted to TV, one of my favorite media. But life is not something quite so easy to fragment and compartmentalize. Thus, I have elected to deviate from our usual course and share with you something that I found eminently worthwhile; something capable of piercing my veil of misanthropy and enlivening my soul in a way I forgot possible; in a way that even TV cannot. I recently had the pleasure of reading a little-known gem of a book, published in small numbers, and hardly circulated. The book is called The Well of Being: a children's book for adults (written by Jean-Pierre Weill and available here). I would not want to rob you of the journey that this book promises to embark you upon with my own musings and reflections, so I will resist the urge to pummel you with my analyses. But rest assured that this book has layers upon layers and something for everyone - that is, everyone who values thoughtful living. To put it simply, this book is music for the brain. I hope you will take the opportunity to explore for yourself everything that The Well of Being offers, in the meantime please enjoy a preview of the book in the video embedded below.