Let time not be wasted on the hating of pleasures!

This blog was made to host the television reviews and share the thoughts of regular viewers. It includes the reviewer's episode rating and his or her favorite line(s). The point is to break the monopoly of the professional snobs and bureaucrats on serious commentary and take intelligent public opinion out of the oafish chat rooms. If you want to contribute as a guest blogger, please include your email address in a comment and I will invite you to be an author for the blog. The more the merrier.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

NCIS 808

Another week and another good episode of NCIS. Continuing with the theme of the paternal interference in Gibbs' team, this week's episode centered around Ziva and her estranged father, Director of the Israeli Mossad, Eli David. Eli is coming stateside for a meeting with top US intelligence brass and has to contend with a clandestine Palestinian hit squad hunting him. Despite Eli's preference to keep his security arrangements within the elite unit of Israeli agents sent in advance of his arrival, Gibbs is tasked with his protection.

 Ziva is forced to confront the man who she feels abandoned her and always coldly put country above kin. In a brief but loaded encounter, Eli explains that he believes Ziva abandoned him, that he has always been open to and hoping for a reconciliation, and that he is the greatest victim of his heavy national responsibilities. Ziva responds with a suppressed tear and continues about her mission. Like father like daughter indeed. The episode ends on a cliffhanger  with Director David AWOL and presumably in great peril.

I think what I liked most about this episode was the evenhanded portrayal of the two sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel was not portrayed as a war-torn desert battlefield but a modern, first world  country. The Israeli's are portrayed as jaded, prickly, and consumed by self-preservationism, but not cruel. An inspired speech on the national struggles and oppression of the Palestinian people is delivered by one of the apprehended Palestinian agents to round out the perspective presented. Both sides were human, both bore both noble and cynical motives, and the situation at large was seen as complex. All told, another fun and engaging NCIS experience.

Episode Rating:
6 (Above average quality TV)

Episode's Best Line:
"No. Of course we are sleeping together. Its just nothing serious." - Mossad agent Malachi Ben-Gidon

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