Let time not be wasted on the hating of pleasures!

This blog was made to host the television reviews and share the thoughts of regular viewers. It includes the reviewer's episode rating and his or her favorite line(s). The point is to break the monopoly of the professional snobs and bureaucrats on serious commentary and take intelligent public opinion out of the oafish chat rooms. If you want to contribute as a guest blogger, please include your email address in a comment and I will invite you to be an author for the blog. The more the merrier.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Office 708

Its nice to see The Office rediscover its game. It seems like The Office increasingly lost its very unique mojo as it gained notoriety. Back when it was an obscure, fringe comedy that was a little too British for the likes of mainstream America it oozed with charm. Then America got smart, and The Office got dumb. Or was it the other way around? Either way, it was an altogether unfortunate coincidence for those early passengers on The Office train. Things came to a head when Steve Carell announced that this season would be his last with the shoe. Cue the violins and play us out.

But wait! Reprieve. It looks like this ditty is going out with a bang. This season has been a pleasant surprise. Gone is the misguided plot-pulling of the last few seasons and back is the classic office mischief and whimsy. This week's episode was a lot of fun and something of a throwback to vintage The Office. Especially pleasing is a hilarious situational spin on the Jim and Dwight rivalry and Michael's child-like insecurity guaranteeing still more tension. Let's hope they can keep it up.

Episode Rating:
6 (Above average quality TV)

Episode's Best Line:
"Thirst. Now that's a show I'd watch!" - Dwight

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