Let time not be wasted on the hating of pleasures!

This blog was made to host the television reviews and share the thoughts of regular viewers. It includes the reviewer's episode rating and his or her favorite line(s). The point is to break the monopoly of the professional snobs and bureaucrats on serious commentary and take intelligent public opinion out of the oafish chat rooms. If you want to contribute as a guest blogger, please include your email address in a comment and I will invite you to be an author for the blog. The more the merrier.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Family Guy 905

This week's episode was not very good. It was short on good jokes and classic Family Guy flashbacks. There was also the inexcusable and ill-fated neglect of all characters not named Peter or Louis. Most upsetting however was that the episode was pretty much a boxing redo of a season three karate episode. Of course the writers did take some measures to protect themselves from claims of self plagiarism: This time when Lois discovers her punishing prowess she doesn't lose herself to narcissistic vainglory. Very original Mr. MacFarlane, very original indeed. Sad times are upon us when the whacky world of Family Guy approaches its asymptotic limits of creativity.

Episode Rating:
3 (Bad TV)

Episode's Best Line:
"Coming up next, a boxing match where the fighters are bleeding before the fight!" - Tom Tucker

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